COVID-19 Trucking Updates

To help ease your stress over the road, we are going to keep the latest and most pertinent news updates on the COVID-19 crisis available to you here along with sources for you to get help.
News will be summarized and links pertaining to the topic will be attached for further information.
U.S. Department of Transportation News
• FMCSA posts guidelines for transportation workers providing support for hard hit areas. Including health safety guidelines when at shipping and delivery locations. Read more about it here.
• Motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance in support of relief efforts related to the COVID-19 outbreaks are granted emergency relief from the FMCSA Hours of Service Laws. Read the declaration and rules here.
Expansion of this declaration as of 04/09/2020 extends the HOS emergency relief through May 15th, 2020. Read it here.
• FMCSA CDL waiver extends CDL expiration for 120 days for CDL’s due for renewal on or after March 1st, 2020. Read more about the declaration and other extended deadlines here.
Information related to COVID-19 from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration can be found here.
Trucking Locations
The latest updates from all major truck stop chains such as TA/Petro, Pilot/Flying J, and Love’s Truck Stops include that locations are open and running. All locations nationwide are also requiring masks. Showers are being cleaned more thoroughly so you can expect slightly increased wait times for a clean shower. Restaurants are limited to carry out orders though some dine in locations have reopened. Large areas of gatherings are at limited capacity such as drivers lounges and casinos. Social distancing is being practiced. Hand sanitizing stations are strategically placed near entrances/exits, and areas of high usage.
Pilot/Flying J and Love’s Truck stops have begun mask enforcement nationwide.
Travel Centers of America / Petro : Check for location updates here.
Pilot / Flying J : Check for location updates here.
Love’s Travel Center : Check for location updates here.
SappBros: Check for location updates here.
Check with the State DOT site in question for exact location information.
Use our quick link page for all state DOT websites here.
Customer Locations
You can expect some customer locations to shut down or slow down manufacturing due to local and statewide mandates and/or recent breakouts. Those that remain open are deemed an essential business and therefore will have to maintain stricter sanitation and safety practices. There have been reports of personal information being requested and temperature check points. You may also be asked to take a questionnaire inquiring as to your recent travel history, if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms, have had any symptoms in recent days, or have been around anyone who was sick in recent weeks. Most locations are requiring you to wear protective gear, including but not limited to, face masks, shoe covers, protective head gear, full body suit protectors, and/or gloves. Warehouses have also been asking drivers to sanitize their hands upon entering the facility. Please do your part when at shipping and receiving destinations to keep America running smoothly.
Driver Resources
The SBA has implemented multiple programs to help small businesses with their financial needs.
DrOnDemand allows you to have virtual medical health and mental health visits right from your cell phone. Doctors are able to examine you, prescribe medications, and guide you further if you are having any flu like symptoms. Mental health visits offered through the app are in 30 minute and 50 minute sessions. Utilize your down time because there’s no better time to take steps to improve your mental health.
St. Christopher Trucker Relief Fund
The St. Christopher Trucker Relief Fund is a foundation focused around assisting drivers and their families through times of crisis and can help connect you with valuable resources.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or fearful - you are not alone. Please don’t suffer in silence, and reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you are having thoughts of suicide.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-8255.
Feel Good News
One positive ripple effect coming from the COVID-19 outbreak is the nationwide acknowledgment of truck drivers. From our government down to locals in our communities helping drivers, the outpouring of appreciation has been overwhelming to the industry. We decided to highlight some stories below.
Logan Miller, a teenager from West Virginia, uses his allowance to purchase and supply lunch for truckers at rest area. Watch the video here.
Iowa scale house passes out 500 lunches to drivers as a part of the #thankatrucker movement. See the post here.
Kentucky State Police hand out lunches to CDL drivers. Read more here.
Wyoming Sheriff assists a truck stuck on Teton Pass. Watch the video here.
High School in Washington State opens as makeshift truck stop to aid truckers during crisis. Read more here.
Sam Brock from The Today Show does a segment focusing on trucker appreciation. Watch the video here.
USA Today acknowledges truck drivers are more than just essential, repeating the famous trucking quote “If We Stop, The World Stops.” Read the story here.
April 2020 - Our United States White House thanked all of our nation’s truck drivers.