Trucker Lingo

Here we've compiled a list of “trucking terms" that you will hear often once you get out over the road. You'll hear these words thrown around at truck stops, over the airways of your CB, and from your dispatcher. Some you might even hear referenced at CDL school! Get a head start and learn the language of the trucker nation.
Cobra Classic C.B. Radio
Alley Dock - 90 degree maneuver to dock or park
Asphalt Cowboy - truck driver
Bear Trap - speed trap
Bill of Lading - shipment documents to identify full shipment information, usually given by shipper - freight contract/receipt (pick up address, delivery address, laden weight, freight contents, tracking information, hazmat identification, etc.)
Blindside - navigating your equipment (blindly) without being able to see the side you’re backing towards
Bobtail - Tractor without a trailer attached
Freightliner Classic XL (Bobtail)
Bull-Hauler “Livestock” - Drivers hauling livestock (cows, pigs, chickens, etc.)
Catwalk “Deck plate” - metal plate between your tractor and drive tires; used as a safe place to stand and walk along to connect airlines and inspect trailer
C.B. - Citizens Band Radio - two way radio, communication equipment used by truckers and law enforcement
C.B. Handle - Nickname used for communication over the CB radio
CDL - Commercial Drivers License
Chicken Coop - Weigh Station
Chicken Lights - amber lights alongside a tractor and/or trailer, sometimes referring "extra or added lighting”
Chicken Truck - truck covered in lots of lights, chrome, and accessories (show truck)
Convoy - large group of trucks, usually intentionally following one another
Photo from the movie Convoy (1978)
County Mounty - sheriff
Covered Wagon - flatbed trailer with mounted cover around trailer
CPM/RPM - “Cents Per Mile / Rate Per Mile” - how much a load compensates based on a break down of mileage
CSA - Compliance, Safety, Accountability - point system used to determine safety history and indentify high risk trucking companies
CVSA - Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
D.C. - Dristribution Center
Deadhead/Empty Move - Empty and/or unpaid miles
DEF - Diesel Exhaust Fluid (NEVER to be mistaken for Diesel)
Detention - compensated waiting time for delays with load/unload
DOT - Department of Transportation
Doubles - Tractor pulling a set of trailers
Double Nickel - 55 mph speed limit
Dragon Fly - ”Drag N’ Fly” - Dragging your trailer up the hill or mountain, and flying down the other side with payload assisted speed
Drivers Lounge - waiting area for drivers, typically containing seating, restrooms, coffee bar, microwave, TVs, etc.
Drop and Hook - Dropping a loaded trailer to turn around and connect to an empty trailer, meant to get you to your next destination
Drop Yard - parking area used to pick up and/or drop empty or loaded trailers
Dry Van - trailer without refrigeration or temperature control
E-Logs (ELD) - Electronic recorder of all hours related to the driver/s - "Electronic Logging Device”
Omnitracs ELD
EOBR - Electronic On Board Recorder - computer used to log truck data, trip information, gps satellite location, and movement
Evil Knievel - motorcycle cop
Expediter - any class 8 vehicle or cargo vans being used for expedite shipments (point a to point b, straight through deliveries)
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
Fifth-Wheel - coupling system to attach tractor to the trailers king pin with a locking jaw mechanism
Floating Gears - shifting gears without the need of using the clutch (revving your engine to a certain rpm allows you to change gears smoothly without clutching)
FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Forced Dispatch - not having free will over the loads you run with possible repercussions if you decide against certain loads, most common for company drivers
Four Wheeler - cars and other vehicles
Fox in the Hen House - Unmarked cop car
Freight Shaker - Freightliner
Fuel Lane - diesel lanes
Full Grown Bear - State Trooper
Gator “Alligator” - piece of tire debri left behind from tire blowouts, commonly seen on interstate shoulders, tread similar looking to a gators back
G.O.A.L. - Get Out and Look - term used to remind drivers to check their surroundings when backing, commonly seen on side view mirrors
Hammer Down - Go fast, “pedal to the metal”
Hammer Lane - Left lane and/or passing lanes
Hazmat - “Hazardous Materials" - controlled and/or classified freight that has license requirements and falls under stricter rules to haul
Home 20 - drivers home town
Hometime - time off and/or vacation time
Hotshot - different from expediting, hotshotting typically includes medium duty vehicles (Class 3, 4, and 5) such as pick up trucks hauling trailers and cargo vans, used for time critical shipments
H.O.S. - Hours of Service - Logging hours
Jackknife - truck turning in on itself, folding like a pocket knife
Jake Brakes - Engine brakes; Engine Retarder
Keep the rubber side down - “safe travels” - “be safe on your trip” (maintaining contact with the tires and the road, keeping your unit upright)
Knocking on your doors - coming up behind you or following too closely
Kojak with a Kodak - cop using a speed gun
Landing Gear - adjustable legs used to hold trailer upright independent from the tractor
Largecar - any class 8 vehicle, usually show trucks (lots of chrome and accessories)
Live load/unload - driver supplies empty trailer and remains at shipper untill freight it fully loaded, and waits to get unloaded at deliveries
Local Driver “Local” - drivers that run within a short distance of home (inner city, tri-county, tri-state areas) known for being home every night or multiple nights per week
Lot Lizard - Prostitute (primarily found at truck stops - walking throughout the parking lot knocking on trucks)
Lowboy - “Step deck” - Flatbed trailer with a low deck used for oversized freight
LTL - Less Than Truckload - combination of small shipments for multiple delivery destinations
Lumper - person at pick up or delivery whose responsible for loading or offloading your freight, usually for a fee
Marker Interrupt - switch that will momentarily turn off the marker lights on the truck and trailer, used primarily to communicate something to other truck drivers (safe to get over, thank you for letting me over, hazard up ahead, etc.)
Meat Wagon - Ambulance
Motion Lotion - diesel
On your rubber - behind you
OTR “Over-The-Road” - long haul truck driver (cross country)
Parking Lot - Car hauler
Party Row - back row of truck stop parking lots, used in past time for lot lizard hang outs
Pay-Load - shipping weight / total weight of freight
Personal Conveyance - time allowed for personal use of which doesn't go against your clock
Placards - diamond shaped signage used to identify and communicate hazmat cargo classifications
POC - Point of Contact
POD - Point of Delivery
Predispatch “Preplan" - Future scheduled load
Prepass - device used to bypass weigh stations
Pre/Post-Trip - inspection of truck required by law, to the responsibility of the driver before and after operating equipment
Qualcomm - brand of satellite units used for dispatch communications, load information, elogs, and EOBR services
Radio Check - used to ask others over the cb if your communication is coming through clearly
Reefer - refrigerated unit or trailer
Rubbernecker/s - people who slow down to look at an accident on the road, known for causing back ups
Safe Haven - secure parking facility or area used for active high security shipments
Salt Shaker - service vehicle used to treat roadways for snow and ice, aid in snow/ice removal, by dumping salt or brine on pavement
Skateboard - Flatbed Trailer
Sleeper (Sleeper Berth) - area behind cab of tractor considered a truckers living and resting space
Slow Crawl - bumper to bumper traffic, stop and go, leading to a “slow crawl”
Smokey (Bear) - Law Enforcement Officer
Steering Wheel Holder - Rookie or uncaring driver, only knows “how to hold the wheel”
Straight Back - Reversing in a straight line
Straight Truck - tractor with cargo area permanently attached on one chassis
Suicide Jockey - Driver hauling explosives
Super Trucker - irresponsible driver not taken seriously (i.e., driving fast, wearing gloves, like to think they “break the rules, etc.)
Tractor Trailer - Tractor with a trailer attached; combination vehicle
Truck Stop - Gas/Diesel Station with added amenities for truckers including but not limited to, fast food and full service restaurants, showers, diesel mechanic shops, and provided parked for large trucks
Turtle Race - two trucks trying to pass one another, usually with speed governors
Two Wheeler - motorcycle
Veteran Driver - “Seasoned Driver” - trucker with millions of miles driven
Weigh Station - state regulated check point for legal weight limits, equipment compliance, and driver licensing and logs; found at state entry points among interstates and U.S. Highways
Wiggle Wagon - tractor pulling more than a single trailer (Refer to “Doubles/Triples”)
Yard Dog - “Yard Jockey” driver usually in a single seated cab, relocating trailers throughout the hub or warehouse yard (around the warehouse, moving trailers to and from docks, or to and from distribution centers)
Yard Stick - Mile marker
10-4 - “I hear you” or understood
18 Wheeler - tractor trailer combination (stating the amount of wheels when in active connection)
Any suggestions?
Leave us a comment of your favorite trucking terms!
This list will continue to grow with driver feedback.